Why should you never Play Online Rummy?


Why should you never Play Online Rummy?

Why are we suddenly talking about “Online Rummy?” We were motivated by two main things. There are a lot of advertisements for Online Rummy as many people are staying indoors due to the corona lockdown and there is a lot of confusion among people about whether online rummy is safe or unsafe.

Recently, several suicides in India were linked to people losing a significant amount of money in online rummy. You might really wonder are people really Losing lives because of an online game, yes they do. Just do a quick google search for “online rummy suicide” The result clearly shows how addictive and unsafe online rummy is.

online rummy suicides

Let us see the reasons people give themselves to Justify playing online rummy and the real truth behind them.

 REASON 1 : I am intelligent enough to win this game.

Oh boy, so very naive. That’s precisely what the online rummy companies(ORC) want you to think about yourself as at the outset this does not seem like an outright luck-based game and you think your intelligence will help you make money. You cannot be more incorrect, the system is designed for you to fail, is the ORC run by a close friend or a relative who would want you to win ?. ORCs exist to make money, rip you off , stress you out. By the time you learn the lesson by failing miserably, you would be poorer and a lot unhappier, and probably wrecked a havoc in your family. If you are wondering if playing online rummy is safe , let us be very clear – Online rummy is UNSAFE.

is it safe to play online rummy

REASON 2: I am in control, and I know when to stop.

That’s your mind playing games with you. Typically online rummy games are designed with AI as well as proxy players and will typically have three outcomes. Firstly, a small win once in a while to make you believe that winning is possible. Secondly, you nearly miss a big win most of the time. This “near miss” or “almost winning” times are when your brain gets into the addictive pattern of wanting to try again so that you could win big because you came very close to winning. This is the beauty of how most casino machines are designed. I hope you remember this part “of almost winning” for the rest of your life. Thirdly you might straight away fail in some games, and that is just to make sure the system looks reasonable to an average Joe. So the point is, once you are in, you most probably are going to lose big – Just like alcohol. Do  you still think playing online rummy is safe? We hope you don’t.

online rummy not safe

 REASON 3 : Celebrities endorse it, so it must be true.

If that’s one of the reasons, I am really worried about you for being so innocent. Get it straight, celebrities ACT when they are paid money, “MAKE BELIEVE” That’s their job, it does not mean that they honestly vouch for the product or service, they are paid to act in the commercial, and they did just that, end of the story. When you lose your money, it’s YOU who is going to suffer, not celebrities, most of them are so busy that sometimes they don’t even know the intricate details of the products they are endorsing.

online rummy india

REASON 4: It is legal, and I don’t see many negative reviews online.

Not everything that is legal is good for you. Alcohol is legal, is it good for you? Likewise, the government and the legal system operate in a specific framework in the best interest of its people, but it cannot dig deep into every aspect of life. You don’t see many negative reviews because you see many “paid” positive reviews where a common man seems to have made a fortune. Check out the Facebook pages of the popular rummy sites and the comments on the posts, the actual number of comments shown and the count of comments mentioned will vary. The companies delete most of the negative comments, even in sites like quora, most (if not all) of the positive reviews you see are paid promotions.

online rummy safe or unsafe

 REASON 5 : I am playing with other real players, so someone must really win.

It is 2020, most of the players are online AI bots, so you are actually playing with bots. Like I said earlier initially, you will win a small amount to get your interests high; once you take their bait, you will be going downhill with your finances pretty soon. I suggest you do a quick google search for “Online rummy Mouthshut.”

online rummy safe or not

So whats the Real Deal ?

Does anyone make money from Online Rummy? Very few people do. Let me explain, when someone walks outside on a rainy day, would a bolt of lightning hit him/her? Yes, there is a rare possibility. Does anyone win a lottery, yes it does happen. So who makes money playing online rummy? The owners of the company and the celebrities endorsing it. Most probably, it’s not going to be you or me. REMEMBER THIS Saying “THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS.”

do not play online rummy

It is your money, and I wish you make good use of it and not waste it playing online rummy. The world is becoming more cynical these days, and it really surprises me how people use unethical means to make money. It is very painful to see how some people could be happy making money by fleecing gullible innocent folks. Making less money in a clean dharmic way is much better than making tonnes of money using unethical ways. Peace.



  1. Vikram
    May 13, 2020 / 12:54 am

    Yeah, I have lost a lot of money to this Online Rummy. I hope our country announces it as ILLEGAL

  2. Sukmar Sukdev
    May 14, 2020 / 12:44 am

    Hi ,one friend took my money from me (i send by google pay to him ) and played the game, he said it is loss and not return money. how to take money back? please tell and help

  3. May 14, 2020 / 11:18 am

    Online games are definitely a bad idea, you can quickly get addicted and spend everything 🙁

    • admin
      May 21, 2020 / 3:17 am

      So ture

  4. May 20, 2020 / 11:28 am

    I am happy i am not into these games.

    • admin
      May 21, 2020 / 3:18 am

      Me too, I am not a great fan of gaming

  5. Kalyan Kumar
    March 17, 2021 / 1:18 am

    Guys iam begging not to play online rummy

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