7 Precautions To Save Yourself From Coronavirus

prevention of corona virus covid19


Coronavirus, COVID 19, whatever you choose to call it, this virus has single-handedly halted the entire world. According to the latest reports, more than 2.5 million people have been affected; moreover, it has already claimed more than 171 thousand lives.

Though the situation may seem gloomy, we can get through this hardship, if we support each other and follow the guidelines that doctors and nurses have told us.Furthermore, currently, we don’t have any vaccine for this virus, and the only way to prevent it is to avoid being exposed. Therefore, here are seven useful precautions to save yourself from coronavirus or COVID19.

1. Avoid significant events and mass gatherings:


 Precautions To Save Yourself From Corona

COVID-19 is primarily spent from people to people; moreover, it can also be spread by people who aren’t showing symptoms. Therefore, you must avoid any large gathering and events. Though most countries have evoked a state of quarantine and significant sporting events and concerts are canceled, you should still prevent gathering with a lot of people.

2. Wear a face mask in public areas:

 Precautions To Save Yourself From Corona

Even though there is a state of quarantine, you do have to get out of the house from time to time to get groceries or any other essential items. When you do leave your home, make sure that you wear a face mask.
Since COVID 19 is mainly spread when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks near other people, if everybody wears a mask, the spread of the virus can be controlled substantially.

Though the doctors and nurses are undoubtedly our heroes as they risk their lives to fight the pandemic, I believe some other heroes are left unappreciated. These are the people who bring us our mail, who are operating the grocery stores, the police officers and firefighters, and all the other people who are risking their lives to keep the economy of the world afloat. It is essential that these people be extra careful and always wear face masks.

3. Wash your hands:

 Precautions To Save Yourself From Corona

More than aerial dispersion, and being directly infected by a sick person, you are likely to get affected by the COVID-19 germs that are collected on different surfaces. Preliminary studies have shown that COVID-19 germs can survive on various surfaces for hours, up to multiple days. When a person touches a contaminated surface and then touches their face, they can get infected by it.

However, if you avoid touching your mouth, nose or eyes, and wash your hands with antibacterial soap regularly for at least 20 seconds at a time, the chances of getting infected are almost nonexistent. You should also use hand sanitizer when you are outside your home; however, remember to use a product that has more than 60% alcohol content.

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4. Keep up your immunity:

eat healthy Precautions To Save Yourself From Corona

Experts have told us that people with low or compromised immunity are at a significantly higher risk of getting infected from COVID-19; therefore, you must stay healthy and keep up your immunity. Make sure to sleep on time, eat a healthy diet, and drink plenty of water. Moreover, there are many other ways in which you can boost your immunity, like eating vitamin C rich food and by including a wide range of vegetables in your diet

5. Disinfect surfaces:

 Precautions To Save Yourself From Corona

Since we have already established that the Coronavirus can survive on surfaces, it is imperative to disinfect them regularly. Adding some disinfectant to water and spraying it on surfaces can be quite useful.
This precaution is essential for people who are working in grocery stores, banks, and other places where different people pass through every day. Moreover, if you order anything online, always disinfect the parcel before taking it into your home.

6. Cover your mouth while coughing:

 Precautions To Save Yourself From Corona

Not every cough or sneeze is due to the Coronavirus, seasonal flu, and allergies can also be the cause; however, it is always better to be safe. Therefore, whenever you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with a tissue and throw the tissue away once you are done.

7. If you show symptoms call a doctor immediately:

If you are feeling a fever or have a cough with difficulty in breathing, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. However, instead of merely walking into a hospital, you should call your doctor ahead, so that they can tell you the proper procedure and protocol the medical professionals in your area have developed.
This will help you avoid passing the virus to anyone else if you are infected. Also, make sure that everyone in your home also gets tested.

To sum it all up, I understand that the Coronavirus is something new, and it is a situation that we have never experienced before. It might be scary and stressful, but believe me, we as a human race have survived a lot more than this, and surely, if we follow the advice of the experts and maintain social distancing, we will be able to defeat this hardship as well.

Author’s bio: Samantha is an expert when it comes to providing remedies for physical and mental well-being. However, she is fond of writing regardless of what she writes about. She believes that she can influence people and their lives with her opinion and knowledge.


1 Comment

  1. April 29, 2020 / 3:05 am

    I agree with all the points!

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