Best Supplement For PMS

Best supplement for PMS

A period is something that starts at a very early age for most women and goes on for a long period of their lives. For some, it is very painful and for some, it is not. However, the time before the period, PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) also causes a lot of discomfort to many. Some of these signs are fatigue, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, breast tenderness, bloating etc. Some women also experience PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) which is a more serious condition. It causes severe irritability, depression and anxiety in the week or two leading to the period. What if we tell you that there is a way to reduce the pain and discomfort caused by period and its related aspects like PMS and PMDD?

best supplement for pms

PMS is a food supplement by True Derma for reducing various symptoms associated with PMS. It contains Vitex agnus-castus (Chasteberry extract) and Inositol. Chasteberry is used for reducing PMS-related symptoms, reducing period pain and treating menstrual cycle problems. Vitex agnus-castus regulates hormones that are involved in reproductive cycle. Research shows that it is highly effective for relieving breast tenderness, swelling, cramps, irritability and headache.
Inositol is used for treating women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). It works by increasing insulin sensitivity, which helps to improve ovarian function and reduce hyperandrogenism. It is also shown to reduce the risk of metabolic disease in women with PCOS. Inositol is also taken by mouth to prevent complications during pregnancy such as neural tube birth defects (birth defects that involve the brain and spinal cord).

Taking particular forms of inositol (D-chiro-inositolormyo-inositol) by mouth seems to lower triglyceride and testosterone levels, modestly decrease blood pressure, and improve the function of the ovaries in overweight or obese women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
Myo-inositol may be as effective as the prescription drug metformin. Some research also shows that taking the two forms of inositol together improves ovulation better than taking
D-chiro-inositol alone. Also, the combination seems to improve blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood insulin levels better than taking myo-inositol alone.

PMS also helps in maintaining a healthy and pain free cycle. It also effectively controls mood swings and helps alleviate period irregularities. PMS also helps manage heavy menstrual bleeding in adolescents. It supports and improves overall reproductive health in women. PMS is safe to consume and will help you be comfortable before and during your period.



1 Comment

  1. April 4, 2022 / 11:13 pm

    You write a very informative article.

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