6 Ways to Naturally Boost Melanin in Your Hair

ways to Naturally Boost Melanin in Your Hair

In a country where the majority of the population comprises brunettes, it is very easy to lose sight of all the beauty that lies in a head of black or brown hair. It is only when problems like premature greying of hair, loss of melanin due to heat procedures or similar get in the way, many tend to turn towards anything they can get their hands on to correct the situation. The hair care industry has many not so useful solutions to loss of melanin but if you want to learn how to increase melanin in hair for the long term, natural ingredients will always be there to the rescue.

The amount of melanin in your hair decides the intensity of hair pigmentation. Over time, many reasons can cause a decrease in the amount of melanin, leading to dull, lifeless hair. However, sites like Traya offer legitimate information on how to increase melanin in hair and you should make full use of that right away. Here are 6 of the easiest ways you can naturally boost melanin in your hair:

Organic Supplements: While it is completely possible to get the required amount of melanin through natural products, everyone’s bodies are subjective and it may not work at the same pace for everyone. In such cases, you can take vitamin B-12, B-6, A and C supplements along with biotin to increase production.

Food: To naturally increase melanin production in hair, you should increase your intake of foods rich in antioxidants, copper, vitamins, iron and minerals. This includes green veggies like spinach and broccoli, along with tomatoes, cashew nuts, lentils, flax seeds, fish, dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds and more.

Henna: Henna, also known as Mehendi, has been long used in hair dyes as it is a natural ingredient adept at boosting melanin production. Along with this, it also helps boost overall hair health.

Natural Oils: Oils are another ingredient easily available in markets that will benefit hair health and melanin production. Natural oils from ingredients like Bhringraj, Vibhitaka and Hibiscus have high amounts of nutrients. Regular application of these oils on your scalp will help in increasing melanin.

Home Remedies: Ayurveda is home to many home remedies that have been proven to boost melanin production. You can try out amla pastes, mango seed pastes, consumption of triphala with honey and such remedies.

Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits like berries, oranges, lemons, etc. are well known sources of vitamin C, one of the main vitamins responsible for melanin production. These are also packed with antioxidants that will have cooling effects on your scalp as well as help melanin production.

Decrease in melanin levels is a commonly experienced concern among all adults and older adults. With the above mentioned solutions for how to increase melanin in hair, you can restore your hair to its natural glory and get rid of premature white hair. For more information about such hair or skin care problems, check out Traya, a leading site known as a one stop destination for verified solutions to such problems.



  1. June 22, 2021 / 10:49 am

    I eat citrus fruits!

    • admin
      June 23, 2021 / 5:19 am

      Fruits help to keep skin and hair in good shape

  2. July 5, 2021 / 4:42 pm

    This is such valuable information. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    • admin
      July 6, 2021 / 8:00 am

      Thank you dear

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