5 Common Reasons for Back Pain and Fixes

5 Common Reasons for Back Pain and Fixes

Do you have back pain? You’re not the only one who feels this way. For decades, millions of People have suffered from this illness. Back pain is one of the most common causes for people missing work each year. It’s also the third most prevalent reason people go to the doctor, after skin conditions and joint difficulties. Back discomfort affects eight out of ten persons. If you’re one of those people, you know how difficult it is to put up with the pain. Fortunately, there are answers to this widespread issue.

We’ll go through the top 5 causes of back pain and Tip for relief in this article.

1. Overweight:

A sedentary lifestyle might have a negative impact on your spine. Your muscles will lose their flexibility and tone if you shun exercise and comparable activities like the plague. They’ll be prone to stresses and won’t be able to adequately support your spine.

5 Common Reasons for Back Pain and Fixes


Putting on weight, especially around your belly button, can force your spine forward, causing your posture, alignment, and center of gravity to be thrown off. This can cause additional strain on your weight-bearing joints, such as your ankles and knees, in addition to back pain.

How can we fix Back pain due to excess weight? Loose the excess weight and keep your joins moving. Start with simple exercise like walking and yoga, then you can move on to intense workout like running and HIIT.
Next time you go to work, use the stairs instead of the elevator. Don’t forget to flex your glutes while you’re doing it—those posterior muscles are crucial for spine stability, so you need to keep them toned.

2.Improper Bending:

Improper bending habits when it comes to the leading cause of back discomfort. Many people, bend at the waist rather than the hips, making a “c” shape and exerting undue strain on their backs. Your vertebrae aren’t designed to withstand this kind of strain. Bending in this manner can cause your spinal discs to deteriorate, protrude, or herniate. Your back and neck muscles will also feel uncomfortable and stiff as a result of this.

Reasons for Back Pain and Fixes

How to fix back pain that is caused due to Bending posture? Use hip hinging posture to bend and pick up things. Hip hinging involves bending at the hips while maintaining a straight back. Your hip joint, unlike your spine, is built to withstand a lot of stress and movement. When you bend at the hips, the weight and pressure is transferred from your back to your hip joint.

Whenever you pick something up off the ground, practice this movement. In no time, you’ll notice and feel the difference!

3. Bad Posture:

Many individuals think that their back pain is due to sudden, excessive activity, but the truth is that most back problems are caused by minor, everyday stressors such as poor posture. Slouching is something we’ve all done at some point in our lives. The problem is that this terrible practice creates upper back pain and increases our chances of developing spinal deformities later in life.

5 Common Reasons for Back Pain and Fixes

Other “little” factors, such as poor office furniture or ill-fitting shoes, might contribute to long-term back pain. Men, according to studies, are more likely than women to experience lower back pain as a result of carrying their wallets in their back pockets. These may appear to be little annoyances, but when added together, they can be rather harmful.

How can we fix it? We can fix the back pain caused due to bad posture by using back support for chair, lower back support pillow, car pillow for back pain and take a 2-minute break every one hour when you are working on your computer. While selecting back support, make sure you keep the following points in mind: The back support must be made from high quality memory foam / PU foam and it must be orthopedically designed to help with back pain.

5 Common Reasons for Back Pain and Fixes

Personally, I like Dr.Ortho Orthopedic Back support made with memory foam as well as DR. Ortho Back support made with PU foam. Both of these back support has adjustable belt and breathable cotton cover. These back rest help in maintaining correct posture and support the natural curve of spine and lower back.

4. Occupation:

Back discomfort affects some people more than others. Those who work in jobs that involve heavy lifting, such as nurses, factory employees, weightlifters, or those in logistics, fall into this category. Sore muscles, strained ligaments, and even ruptured discs can result from sudden or chronic back strain.

5 Common Reasons for Back Pain and Fixes

How to fix it? Maintain proper posture while lifting objects, before you pull, try pushing. Pulling requires more energy than pushing. To properly push and move an object, use your weight, and lower limbs. Avoid moving or lifting anything that is overly heavy. If you can’t do it yourself, enlist the support of others or, better yet, employ tools like blankets or forklifts to assist you. Also massaging the strained part with natural pain relieving oil like Dr.Ortho oil help in relieving the pain.

Take break, relax, and stretch your body to avoid over working and putting stress on your joints.

5.Pathological Conditions:

Back discomfort isn’t always caused by the factors listed above. Back pain can sometimes be a sign of kidney trouble, but it can also be a sign of heart or lung problems. Other bone and nerve diseases, such as osteoporosis and scoliosis, can also cause it. Sciatica is another common nerve condition related with back pain. When your sciatic nerve is squeezed, this problem develops. The pain starts in your lower back and spreads to your legs. Other factors, such as age and smoking, can exacerbate this.

Back discomfort can be exacerbated by depression. Many individuals with depression and anxiety also have chronic aches and pains throughout their bodies.

5 Common Reasons for Back Pain and Fixes

How to Fix it? If you have any underlying issues that are causing your back discomfort, especially if it is affecting one of your major systems, you should see your doctor. They will do a complete examination and offer a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.

If you have any other tip to relieve back pain share in with us in the comment section.


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