5 Clever Ways on How to Treat Uneven Skin Tone

Uneven skin tone is the irregular darkening of the skin, caused by overproduction of melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of skin and hair. Main factors that may lead to uneven skin tone include chronic sun exposure, hormonal imbalance and inflammatory response due to skin injury. Unevenly toned skin is unsightly and can have a negative impact on one’s self-esteem. Fortunately, there’s hope; we have outlined 5 clever ways on how to treat uneven skin tone below.

1. Adopt a skin Care Routine Based on your skin type

Choosing products meant for your skin type reduces the possibility of causing reactions that may make your condition worse. Some of the effects of wrong skin care products include breakouts, irritations, excess oil and dry skin- all of which are likely to affect your skin tone. So, what do you go for?

● For dry skin, choose products that contain water in oil emulsions. The oil will smooth over the dry patches and provide a film that prevents further loss of moisture from your skin.

● For combination skin, the oily part should be treated with light water emulsions to prevent clogging pores while the dry patches will need oil emulsifiers that help with hydrating and moisturizing the skin.

● For normal skin, just use a good moisturizer that is not too oily and one that leaves your skin clean and hydrated.

● For oily skin, use skin care products that are light, oil-free, and non-comedogenic.

2. Using homemade Skin Lighteners and Exfoliants

You can use homemade facials with natural ingredients to help treat uneven skin tone. They are cost-effective, easy to get and have been used for ages to lighten and exfoliate the skin. Constantly using them will even out your skin tone and give your skin a natural glow.

Homemade skin lighteners and exfoliants do this by controlling melanin production and clearing away dead skin respectively. Additionally, some of the ingredients come with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, moisturization and skin renewing abilities.

Some ingredients you can use to exfoliate your skin include baking soda, oatmeal, papaya and brown sugar. Excellent skin lighteners include yogurt, lemon juice, milk, tomato juice, aloe vera, rosehip oil, and turmeric among others.
You can use these ingredients alone or cleverly blended as masks or scrubs and watch your skin tone even out.

3. Stay Hydrated and eat Healthily

Keeping your body and skin hydrated will do wonders for your skin inside out. It will help soothe skin, balance skin pH, and resolve dry skin- the genesis of numerous skin conditions that can lead to uneven skin tone.
Water flushes out toxins from your body and increases blood flow to the skin hence helping with tone and complexion. Additionally, you can hydrate your skin with nutritious fruit and vegetable juices like lemon juice, beetroot juice, tomato juice, and cucumber juice. These are also rich in nutrients that are essential in skin rejuvenation and protection from photodamage and premature aging.

Green leafy vegetables like kales, broccoli and Brussel sprouts contain carotenoids that filter UV radiation. Citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C, which is packed with antioxidants that fight against damage by free radicals. Other fruits and vegetables to take advantage of include papaya, watermelon, guavas and grapes.

Also, be on the lookout for antioxidants from the occasional green tea and aquatic creatures like shrimp, lobster, algae, and salmon. While at it, cut back on refined sugars and carbohydrates, dairy and deep fried foods which can wreck your complexion.

4. Opting for Cosmetic Treatments

There are a number of cosmetic procedures that are effectively used today to treat uneven skin tone. The most common include chemical peels, laser treatments, and microdermabrasion.
Chemical peels work by peeling away the uneven top layer of the skin using acidic solutions to reveal newer skin underneath. You can do a chemical peel at home by purchasing products that contain low levels of glycolic and salicylic acids or have more intense ones done by an expert.

Laser treatment lightens dark areas of the skin by either destroying cells that produce melanin or removing top layers of blemished skin. The treatment is very effective and only done by experts, but it may require several sessions to get the desired tone.

Microdermabrasion is done to remove the top layer of your skin to create room for lighter and less blemished skin. Fine crystals or a diamond tip is used. It can help with skin discolorations and sun damage. It is fast, gives instant results without any downtime.

5. Cleanse and Moisturize Daily

Cleansing and moisturizing your skin should be done daily, in the morning and in the evening. A good cleanser helps in clearing any built-up dirt and dead skin cells which can lead to skin discolorations.
Moisturizers give an instant sheen to a dull skin which works wonders for your skin tone. When the skin is clean, it absorbs the moisturizer and other skin care products more easily.

After cleansing your face always remember to pat it dry with a towel, don’t rub it as this could irritate your skin and worsen your dark spots. After drying, use your moisturizer immediately to seal in the moisture and keep your skin well hydrated.


When treating uneven skin tone, due diligence and consistency is important, any or a combination of the above methods might just be what you need to get even skin tone. Different people can get varied results with any of the tips above; if you see no improvement after trying any, consult your dermatologist for a change of tactic.



  1. June 30, 2019 / 11:41 pm

    Hydrating helps me a lot

    • admin
      July 2, 2019 / 10:08 pm

      yes, it is a must for healthy skin

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