How to Make Sure People Attend Your Wedding?

How to Make Sure People Attend Your Wedding

You’ve set the date, found the perfect venue, and you’re about ready to send out those invites. But how do you make sure your wedding isn’t just you, your soon-to-be spouse, and a mildly enthusiastic vicar? Here’s How to Make Sure People Attend Your Wedding?

1. Amazing Invitations

First impressions count, and your wedding invitations are no exception. These aren’t just bits of paper; they’re the opening act of your matrimonial extravaganza. Make them pop! Consider beautifully designed paper, clear and engaging text, and maybe a touch of your personal flair. And remember, everyone loves a fridge-worthy invite. Make yours too gorgeous to ignore, and too important to forget on the pinboard.

2. Save The Dates – Seriously, Save Them

Get ahead of everyone else’s busy schedules by sending out ‘save the dates’ early—especially if you’re planning a summer wedding when everyone is trying to jet off to Magaluf. These handy pre-invites give your guests a heads up to mark their calendars way in advance, blocking off any other less significant engagements, like second cousins’ birthday parties or that promised visit to the in-laws.

3. Make It Accessible

Choose a location that doesn’t require a map, a compass, and a week’s worth of provisions to locate. If it’s out of town, provide travel info, maps, and perhaps a list of accommodation options. Consider setting up a Facebook group or website where guests can coordinate travel plans, share lifts, or even find roommates to share hotel rooms. Convenience is key!

4. Offer a Sneak Peek

Whet their appetites by sharing snippets of what to expect. This could be a teaser of the menu, the entertainment, or a hint of a surprise to come. Let your guests know they won’t just be witnessing your love but having a fabulous time themselves. No spoilers, though! Keep them guessing and looking forward to finding out what’s in store.

5. Consider Your Timing

Be mindful of major public events or local happenings when setting your date. You don’t want your special day clashing with the World Cup Final or the only sunny weekend of the British summer. Also, consider the day of the week; while Saturdays are traditional, a Friday or Sunday wedding might be easier on the budget and still convenient for your guests.

How to Make Sure People Attend Your Wedding

6. Communicate Clearly About Gifts

Let’s be honest, gifts are a nice perk of getting married. Be clear about your gift registry details or preferences (you know, to avoid ending up with four toasters). A little nudge towards what you really need can be a win-win for everyone.

7. Keep the Kids in Mind

Decide if you want little ones at your wedding and communicate this clearly. If kids are welcome, think about arranging some child-friendly activities or entertainment. Happy kids mean happy parents, which means they’re more likely to stick around and enjoy the festivities.

8. Regular Reminders

Okay, so you don’t want to be a pet about it, but there is nothing wrong with sending one or two polite reminders as you get closer to “I do” day! A simple text or email will keep the event on everyone’s minds, hopefully reducing dropouts in the process.

By following these tips, not only will you increase the chances of a great turnout, but you’ll also set the stage for an unforgettable celebration too!



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