Girls Building Empires Review – How to be a Social Media Celebrity?

Online marketing is arguably one of the industries that is generating the most profit for us to make money online. That’s why thousands of courses like this are coming out every day. It’s never easy to filter through them all to find what’s best, but I’ve carefully researched Girls Building Empires by Ginte Rinkeviciute and I’m here to give you my verdict on whether or not I think it’s worth your money.

Meet Ginte Rinkeviciute

Ginte Rinkeviciute is the program’s author. She was born in Lithuania and originally got a degree in International Relations and Organization from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. While in college, she developed a passion for helping thousands of women develop their online presence, and later on launched the Girls Building Empires program.

She claims to have helped thousands of women, but does that claim hold up?

What’s the GBE Program?

The Girls Building Empires program is a training course that teaches women to effectively grow their instagram accounts. The program is designed for women who want to learn how to effectively utilize them in order to generate more leads and business. As of today, the course has been used by thousands of women and has helped boost their online presence and connected them with new clients and opportunities.

The Girls Building Empires program includes:
– A step-by-step video training course
– Worksheets, checklists, and action plans
– A private community with women entrepreneurs who can answer questions related to the materials covered in the course. Let’s review the course in detail.

Girls Building Empires Course Breakdown

First Week: The first week is one of the most crucial when it comes to creating an Instagram business. During this time, you’ll have to choose what your niche will be, who you’re going to target, and all the other important decisions that are necessary.

Second Week: In the second week, you will learn to choose which strategies and topics you should focus on in your IG feed, and how to set your mindset for success.

Third Week: During these three weeks, you’ll learn how to approach your audience, build rapport with followers and create a clear vision of your ideal client.

Girls Building Empires Chapter 2 – Take Off

Fourth week: They realize that what really makes you memorable online is the strength of your followers. So in module four, they will give you the tools to make your profile stand out, beyond the boring basics like a pretty photo.

Fifth Week: During the fifth week, you will get step-by-step instructions on different actionable strategies you can follow to differentiate your brand from others in your same niche.

Sixth Week: In the sixth week of this course, you’ll learn how to create new content as quickly as possible. This is the last week of module 2, and at the end of it you get a framework to create new, high-quality content that will be the foundation of your whole online presence.

Girls Building Empires Chapter 3 – Optimize

Seventh Week: This module begins with action-oriented lessons on how to write captions like an expert. It will walk you through the do’s and dont’s of the caption art, as well as what makes an Instagram post stand out.

Eighth Week: In the eighth week, they start to transition from focusing on building an audience to focusing on brand management. When it comes to content, you have to remember not only to focus on uploading videos, photos or stories, but also on your interactions.

money from Instagram

Girls Building Empires Chapter 4 – Monetize and Grow

Ninth Week: In this lesson you’ll get the chance to test viral marketing strategies and go over the most recent Girls Building Empires’ viral marketing campaigns.

Tenth Week: This tenth week, GBE focuses on Instagram Stories. When you use this feature, you collect statistics (like impressions, reach and engagements) because you interact with your followers.

Eleventh Week: This week, Girls Building Empires will give an inside look at its business model.

Twelfth Week: The last week and for me the most important. You’ll discover how to earn that sweet, sweet money as you read how to monetize your followers on social media.

How much does GBE cost?

The cost of Ginte’s Girl Building Empires course is $149. Given the range and completeness of the course, it seems a very reasonable price.

Is Ginte’s Girls Building Empires course a Scam?
No, it isn’t a scam. There are many women who have already benefited from the program and have joined the community -just check Girls Building Empires’ Instagram page.

Final Thoughts: There’s no doubt that Girls Building Empires is an excellent way for women to get started on the Instagram business industry. Ginte’s course provides loads of tools, and community support along with results.

If you’re wondering how to monetize your Instagram account, Girls Building Empires is a great way to get yourself going in the right direction.


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