Ever since I have moved into my new apartment, balcony garden has bloomed into my new hobby. Balcony garden not only adds extra oomph to the boring balcony , it gives a sense of connection to nature especially when you are living in a city. Few of my plants suffered Chennai’s scorching summer heat and I was left out with empty planters. I was browsing online for seeds and fertilizers to revamp my garden, that is when I came across Bombay Greens.
Bombay Greens website was easy to navigate, they had handpicked products which are necessary for basic gardening. I ordered 4 in 1 potting mix, sunflower seeds, zinnia seeds, rose fertilizer and flower fertilizer. It took around a week for the products to reach me. Keep reading to know about my Bombay greens shopping review.
Sunflower and Zinnia Seeds:
Both seeds came in separate cotton potli. Inside the potli there was a beautiful paper pouch with instruction to germinate the seeds. The Seed Kit came along with plant tag, which was quite useful in sorting out the plants while they germinate. Zinnia kit contains 30 seeds and sunflower kit contains 25 seeds. I have sown zinnia seeds and eagerly waiting for it to germinate. I will update the photos once it is has started to grow.

Zinnia Plant Seedlings
Rose and Flower Fertilizers:
Both fertilizers comes in a zip lock pouch with instruction printed on it. Both the fertilizers are in solid form they have to be dissolved in water in the mentioned quantity to be used. The fertilizer can be used as soil drench or as foliar spray, as it has seed weed it has to be used after sunset or before sunrise to avoid leaf burn. Manufacturing date was missing in both the fertilizers. I hope they would add it in the future batches.

My Bougainvillea Plant after using Liquid Fertilizer
4 in 1 Potting mix:
The potting mix consist of cocopeat, neem powder, vermiculite and organic fertilizer. As I have ceramic planters, I opt for potting mixes which are high in cocopeat as they reduce the weight of the planting mixture to 40 percent. I added some garden soil along with this mixture to create my potting mix. There was some spillage from my potting mix during courier. They need a little improvement in the packing of potting mixture.
Overall, I had am happy with the products that I have bought from Bombay greens. Prices are affordable and they have discounts regularly. I am also impressed by the amount of seeds that are in the seed kits. If you are into balcony garden, do check out their website.
If you have shopped from Bomaby Greens, do share your review with us in the comment section.